Friday, September 21, 2007

Quote of the Day: Clark Hoyt

"Well, I think, first of all, you have to differentiate between the news columns of a newspaper and the editorial columns, where opinion is appropriate. My own view is that a news organization should never say in its news columns the word "liar." It's such a loaded, judgmental word. It's certainly appropriate to use it if you're quoting someone, but adopting it yourself I think leaves you open to all kinds of accusations of partisanship."
That's New York Times Public Editor Clark Hoyt talking about the word "liar" and why newspapers don't call it like it is when politicians do it. He was interviewed by Bob Garfield on NPR's On the Media. So to call someone a liar -- even if they are a liar -- is "partisan" and oughtn't be done. This is why people don't trust journalists and politicians. When the most important newspaper in the country is afraid of accusing politicians of lying when they're demonstrably guilty of lying, you know we're nearing "end times."



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