Thursday, October 23, 2008

Quote of the Day: Barry M. Goldwater, Jr.

"Barry Goldwater was one of the icons of the Republican Party and, yes, would be unhappy with many of the recent failures from within. I speak about this all the time and how mad I am that Republicans have lost their way. However, we do not find our way back by sheepishly going over to the other side. My father worked to rebuild the party in 1964 by taking it back from the liberal Establishment. He would work to do the same thing today."
That's Barry M. Goldwater, Jr., the son of the famous Arizona Republican Barry Goldwater, who lost the race for the Presidency in 1964 by a landslide. Goldwater Jr. was writing in the Huffington Post, trying to undo some of the damage his niece CC Goldwater did when she endorsed Obama on the same website.

CC Goldwater, who produced a documentary for HBO two years ago called Mr. Conservative: Goldwater on Goldwater, wrote in her endorsement:
"Nothing about McCain, except for maybe a uniform, compares to the same ideology of what Goldwater stood for as a politician. The McCain/Palin plan is to appear diverse and inclusive, using women and minorities to push an agenda that makes us all financially vulnerable, fearful, and less safe."

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