Friday, November 06, 2009

Quote of the Day: Hank Pantier

"If you stuff five pounds into a two-pound container, it doesn't make the five pounds smaller. It just makes it stranger-looking and uncomfortable."
Colorado man Hank Pantier, 35, is talking about his wife, 40-year-old yoga instructor Mary Pantier. She's one of thousands of American women who pack themselves, sausage-like, into modern-day spandex corsets from Spanx.

The Wall Street Journal discussed the ins and outs of Spanx -- which has been endorsed by Oprah -- in a recent article featuring some horror stories. For example, women find themselves trying to secretly ooze out of these products before one-night stands; others find it difficult to use the bathroom. Hank Pantier tells his wife she feels like a tire when she wears Spanx.



Blogger Unknown said...

wow - that article kind of took what i said out of context and now here it is again - quoted.

the dialogue between mary and i was much more fun loving and joking than the article made it out to be. while i do think spanx are silly - my intention was to say that they don't make someone skinny - they actually just make the look silly and that i would much prefer mary just be herself - not herself stuffed into something.

i wish i'd not let the WSJ quote me - i came off like an ass.

here's the bottom line women - confidence is sexier than an "ideal"

11:21 PM  

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