Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Try the Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator

Try the Sarah Palin Baby Name Generator. You just enter your name, and it tells you what the mother of Track, Trig, Bristol, Willow, and Piper might have named you.

I gave it a try, entering the name Martin. Here's my result:
Martin, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:

Bang Walmart Palin

Who knows, Bang Walmart Palin you just might be president one day!
Whew! Let's try another one. How about Julia? Grill Igloo Palin. Damn! One more. How about John? Stick Freedom Palin. I must stop.

[via The New Republic.]


Blogger Mr. Christopher said...

I just entered your name, and this is what it said:

Masticator, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be:

Duct Idaho Palin

Good Luck with that.

1:40 AM  

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